Voice Assistants in Private Homes
Media, Data and Language in Interaction and Discourse
Habscheid, Stephan (editor)
Hector, Tim (editor)
Hoffmann, Dagmar (editor)
Waldecker, David (editor)
Voice Assistants such as Amazon's Alexa populate private homes as well as smartphones, TVs and cars. While suggesting easy living with smart devices, these assistants are criticized as the next step of corporate and state surveillance of the private home, or as harbingers of new and simplified linguistic practices. The contributors to this volume focus on the transformation and persistence of everyday linguistic, media and data practices under platformized conditions and new interfaces. This collection thus brings together perspectives from media sociology, media studies, media linguistics and domestication research.
Interfaces; Surveillance; Data Practices; Human-Computer-Interaction; Domestication; Privacy; Media; Language; Digitalization; Sociology of Media; Linguistics; Digital Media; Media Aesthetics; Media StudiesDOI
9783839472002, 9783837672008, 9783839472002Publisher
transcript VerlagPublisher website
https://www.transcript-verlag.de/Publication date and place
transcript VerlagSeries
Media in Action, 7Classification
Media studies
Media studies: internet, digital media and society