Access to Social Justice
Effective Remedies for Social Rights
Boyle, Katie
Camps, Diana
English, Kirstie
Ferrie, Jo
Flegg, Aidan
Mukherjee, Gaurav
Available open access digitally under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This book proposes a conception of social justice according to international human rights law. Social rights include everyday rights such as housing, food, fuel and social security. Drawing on extensive research with frontline practitioners, the book frames access to social justice as a journey that should end with the realisation of an effective remedy. It highlights discourses that marginalise and disempower rights holders and reclaims the narrative around social rights as legal rights. This is a unique contribution to our understanding of access to social justice from a social rights perspective complete with key recommendations for policy and practice.
Social justice; access to justice; critical discourse theory; effective remedies; social rightsDOI
9781529237917, 9781529237924, 9781529237931Publisher
Bristol University PressPublisher website date and place
Bristol, 2025Classification
Social discrimination and social justice
Human rights, civil rights
Legal systems: General Part / General Provisions