The Gait as Political Choreography
Political School Ceremonies for the Consolidation of the Nation-State in Germany and Japan (1873–1945)
This book explores the upright gait in the school context and the collective gait of adolescents as a political choreography in Germany and Japan that contributed to the consolidation of the nation-state. In shedding light on the transnational character of the marching ceremony, this book reveals how the nationalization of school-attending youths deeply relied on emotionally-charged, collective bodily experiences.
Cultural history; education march; Japan; GermanyDOI
9783111428987, 9783111428857, 9783111429274, 9783111428987Publisher
De GruyterPublisher website date and place
Berlin/Boston, 2024Imprint
De Gruyter OldenbourgSeries
Studies in the History of Education and Culture / Studien zur Bildungs- und Kulturgeschichte, 8Classification
Later 19th century c 1850 to c 1899
Early 20th century c 1900 to c 1950
History of education
Social and cultural history