Cinema as a Political Media
Single-Blind-Peer-Review overseen by Series Editor
Germany and Italy Compared, 1945–1950s
Zimmermann, Clemens (editor)
Klinkhammer, Lutz (editor)
Based on a comparative, transnational approach, the international group of authors focuses on the respective national interpretations of the past in Germany and Italy, as presented in the medium of film between 1945 and around 1955, and also addresses the mutual perception of the films. In the 12 contributions, both the filmic narrative patterns of important individual works are analyzed and the contemporary context of the debate about the horrors and trauma of the National Socialist and Fascist past in both countries is included. Sulla base di un approccio comparato e transnazionale, il volume esamina le rispettive interpretazioni del proprio passato in Germania e in Italia nello specchio della produzione cinematografica tra il 1945 e il 1955, nonché la reciproca ricezione dei film. In 12 contributi gli autori internazionali analizzano trama e narrativa di alcuni importanti film, considerando anche il contesto in cui si svolse allora, nei due paesi, il dibattito sugli orrori e traumi del passato nazionalsocialista e fascista. Aus einem vergleichenden, transnationalen Ansatz heraus nimmt die internationale Autorengruppe die jeweiligen nationalen Interpretationen der Vergangenheit in Deutschland und Italien, wie sie sich im Medium des Films zwischen 1945 und etwa 1955 darstellen, in den Blick und thematisiert auch die wechselseitige Wahrnehmung der Filme. In den 12 Beiträgen werden sowohl die filmischen Erzählmuster von wichtigen Einzelwerken analysiert als auch der zeitgenössische Kontext der Debatte über die Schrecken und Traumata der nationalsozialistischen wie faschistischen Vergangenheit in den beiden Ländern einbezogen.
Rubble film; Neorealism; Film; Cinema; Holocaust; Collective remembrance; Trümmerfilm; Neorealismus; Kino; Kollektives GedächtnisDOI
9783968220178, 9783968220161, 9783968220154, 9783968220178Publisher
Heidelberg University Publishing (heiUP)Publisher website date and place
Heidelberg, 2021Series
Online-Schriften des DHI Rom. Neue Reihe; Pubblicazioni online del DHI Roma. Nuova serie, 5Classification
Social and cultural history