Wits and Interpretation
Keyboard Thoughts
In what ways can analytic reection be of avail when engaging in music as a musician? What restrictions of the interpreter’s freedom do musical scores impose? Which licences do musicians in fact allow themselves? Can hierarchical tonal analysis really guide musicians towards artistically rewarding interpretations? Or is perhaps a painstaking and sensitive study of the musical details, revealing continuous processes, a more productive path to telling performances? roughout the book, the views and discussions are amplied by music examples.
Analytical methods; Bahsi; Bengt; Edlund; Esra; Golden section; Interpretation; Keyboard; Musical ambiguity; Musical hermeneutics; Musical plagiarism; Musical similarity; Schenkerian analysis; Thoughts; WitsDOI
9783631890943, 9783631890950, 9783631889688, 9783631890943Publisher website
https://www.peterlang.com/Publication date and place
Bern, 2023Classification
Theory of music and musicology