Chapter Et in Inferno ego! Sulle narrazioni di anabasi e catabasi d’ispirazione dantesca nelle opere dei romantici polacchi
DE CARLO, Andrea Fernando
This paper focuses on the anabasis and katabasis narratives inspired by Dante in the works of the most representative Polish romantics: Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855), Juliusz Słowacki (1809-1849), Zygmunt Krasiński (1812-1859) and Cyprian Kamil Norwid (1821-1883). It was the Divina Commedia which exercised the greatest influence on the poets, especially Inferno, which became a forerunner of the Polish reality itself. But whereas Dante’s Inferno is identified with the underworld, the Polish Romantics’ locus horridus coincides with the actual world. If the Dantesque journey is a katabasis to the underworld, the descent portrayed by Polish poets is an anabasis towards a volcano crater covered with lava and ice. Moreover, according to the martyrological view, the Polish reality in those days was not only a place of suffering and tribulation, but also of expiation, which was a preparation for the arrival of paradise on Earth.
Dante Alighieri; Inferno; Polish romanticism; Anabasis/Katabasis; Reception of Dante’s InfernoDOI
9791221500035, 9791221500035Publisher
Firenze University PressPublisher website date and place
Florence, 2022Series
Biblioteca di Studi di Filologia Moderna, 70Classification
Biography, Literature and Literary studies