Recent Submissions

  • Pfisterer, Ulrich (2024)
    Denkmäler sind nicht erst heute problematisch geworden. Schon ihre nachantike Geschichte beginnt mit Krisen, wie Leone Leonis Statue »Karl V. über dem Furor« zeigt Denkmäler sind nicht erst in den letzten Jahren zu einer ...
  • Rajan, Supritha (2023)
    <div><div><div>No questions are more pressing today than the ethical dimensions of global capitalism in relation to an unevenly secularized modernity. <i>A Tale of Two Capitalisms</i&g ...
  • Schurtz, Heinrich; Martino, Enrique; Schmidt, Mario (2024)
    "On this subject, I only knew the excellent little book by the late Schurtz”— Marcel Mauss, 1914, “Les origines de la notion de monnaie”.Heinrich Schurtz’s 1898 book has been a touchstone for economic historians, ...
  • Lux, Thomas; Huntemann, Hella; Ortmanns, Verena; Bachem, Andreas; Deutsches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung (DIE) (2024)
    Die Statistik der deutschen Volkshochschulen wird vom DIE seit 1962 jhrlich erstellt. Bei einer Ausschpfungsquote von rund 98 Prozent liegen im Berichtsjahr 2022 fr 826 der deutschen Volkshochschulen Informationen vor. Die ...
  • Wasielewski, Amanda; Näslund, Anna (2024)
    Digital Art History has often aligned itself with the practical concerns of digital technology and the responsibilities of art institutions and associated institutional roles such as collection managers, information ...
  • Bublatzky, Cathrine; Dogramaci, Burcu; Pinther, Kerstin; Schieren, Mona (2024)
    Dedicated to the stories of migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and exiles, this collection asks how these stories are interwoven with art, art practices, activism, reception, and (re-)presentation. It explores the complex ...
  • Tolksdorf, Nils Frederik (2024)
    Die Forschung zum kindlichen Wortlernen hat in den letzten Jahren aufgezeigt, dass der Erwerb eines neuen Wortes durch Prozessualität gekennzeichnet ist. Ein aktuelles Forschungsinteresse richtet sich in diesem Zusammenhang ...
  • Lewis, Siân (2024)
    The ebook edition of this title is Open Access, thanks to Knowledge Unlatched funding, and freely available to read online. Drawing on women’s lived experiences, Mind the Gender Gap offers an original approach to looking ...
  • Gandt, Stefanie; Schmohl, Tobias; Zinger, Benjamin; Zitzmann, Christina (2024)
    Der Sammelband befasst sich mit der Konzeption und der Umsetzung co-kreativer Lernanstze als Antwort auf die vielschichtigen und disruptiven Entwicklungen in der Hochschulbildung, die durch den raschen technologischen und ...
  • Timonen, Riia Elina (2024)
    <p>The Argive Plain in the northeastern Peloponnese, Greece, was central to the Mycenaean culture during the Late Bronze Age (ca. 1600–1200 BCE). While known for its settlements and treasures, little is understood ...
  • Hattori, Ryūji (2019)
    The twentieth century has been called a century of war. Wars and colonization leave deep chasms between countries. In the case of Japan, these frictions have manifested themselves as historical issues. The history since ...
  • Richardson, Michael (2024)
    In Nonhuman Witnessing Michael Richardson argues that a radical rethinking of what counts as witnessing is central to building frameworks for justice in an era of endless war, ecological catastrophe, and  technological ...
    In this book, leading law academics along with lawyers, activists and others demonstrate what legislation could look like if its concern was to create justice for women. Each chapter contains a short piece of legislation ...
  • Velthuizen, Andreas; Varin, Caroline (2024)
    This book examines the impact of epidemics in Africa, exploring some of the adaptation and crisis management strategies adopted to tackle COVID-19, Ebola, and HIV-AIDS. The authors reflect on lessons learned from solving ...
  • Lindsey, Jill L.; Asmi, Rehenuma; Brown, Erica; DeCuir, Amaarah; Stump, Doug (2024)
    This book calls on educators to teach the whole child by including their faith as integral to their identity and offers suggestions for how to honor faith within a nurturing learning environment. Part One describes the ...
    This book investigates the life experiences of youth in South Africa, considering whether contemporary youth have benefitted from the socioeconomic reconstruction of post-apartheid society. Student protests against apartheid ...
  • Hassan, Zaha; Hellyer, H. A. (2024)
    Civic space worldwide is shrinking – nowhere is this plainer than in Palestine–Israels#13Suppressing Dissent brings together leading experts of shrinking civic space and transnational repression concerning Palestine–Israel ...
  • Biscaldi, Angela; Matera, Vincenzo (2024)
    The role of digital platforms in setting up symbolic systems, shared know-ledge, feelings of belonging, inclusion and exclusion dynamics, innova-tion and social transformation movements.Based on some ethnographic case ...
  • Schemmann, Michael (2024)
    Verschiedene Akteure auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen tragen zur Ermglichung der Erwachsenenbildung bei, sodass es notwendig ist, ihr Handeln zu koordinieren. Der Band untersucht die verschiedenen Formen und Kontexte der ...
  • Abele, Stephan (2023)
    Wie diagnostische Problemsekompetenzen empirisch erfasst und analysiert werden, hat der Berufspdagoge Stephan Abele in verschiedenen Studien erforscht und dargestellt. Im Fokus stand dabei, wie Menschen im Berufsalltag ...

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