Harvested from KU: Recent submissions
Now showing items 381-400 of 3034
(2023)Fifty years after her first fieldwork with Ju/'hoan San hunter-gatherers, anthropologist Megan Biesele has written this exceptional memoir based on personal journals she wrote at the time. The treasure trove of vivid ...
(2023)The American war against Iraq has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and displaced millions of people. Between 20 March 2003 and 30 September 2017, more than 172,000 Iraqis resettled in the United States. This book ...
(2023)In today’s globalized world, where the foundations of home and social security are destabilized due to wars and neoliberal transformations, the villagers of Kosovo are linked with a common locality despite living across ...
(2023)Nicolò Premi, Le rime di/del Saladino Carlo Ziano, Trentacinque schede sul testo e la lingua dei Rabisch (1589)Gavino Scala, Livre du gouvernement des roys et des princes e Tresor. Tradizioni a contatto e relativi problemi ...
(2024)From 1971 to 1972, William E. Mitchell undertook fieldwork on suffering and healing among the Lujere of Papua New Guinea’s Upper Sepik River Basin. At a time when it was not yet common to make colonial agencies a subject ...
(2024)Waste treatment practices generate left-over materials, including refused-derived fuels, which need to be managed effectively to meet the European Union’s ambitious circular economy targets, especially regarding landfilling.This ...
(2024)Die Biographie zeigt ein bewegtes Kaufmannsdasein und zugleich ein Panorama deutsch-jüdischen Lebens von der Emanzipation bis zum Nationalsozialismus. Der Bankier Max Warburg sagte einmal, wenn er den Wert von etwas wissen ...
(2024)Child survivors of the Armenian Genocide, jewish child survivors of the Holocaust, non-jewish slavic children, and war children of the Second World War EHS Volume 5 presents child-oriented research approaches by scholars ...
(2023)Quantum technologies offer a vision of a healthier, more sustainable and resilient Europe. They will one day enable disruptive innovations that could transform our societies, economies and almost all industries by solving ...
(2024)In der Dissertation von Frau Dr.in Schmidt wird ausgehend von der zunehmenden Relevanz von Kunstlicher Intelligenz (KI) im Rahmen digitaler Transformationsprozesse ein Strukturmodell fur KI-bezogene Kompetenzfacetten ...
(2024)Den Kernpunkt des Bandes bildet eine grundlegende Neu-Definition von ‚Zunft‘, der größten sozialen Gruppe der mittelalterlichen Stadt. Die Autorin untersucht deren Entstehung und Wandel und zeigt, dass Zünfte im Mittelalter ...
(2023)Based on in-depth interviews with people throughout France who trace their origins to non-European countries, Foreigners in Their Own Country reports on the experience of not being seen as “French” because of one’s physical ...
(2024)This publication addresses the pressing issues of vocational teacher education (VTE), focusing on institutional, organizational and governance aspects. Firstly, it summarizes the results of the four-year Erasmus+ ...
(2023)Today the UNHCR is present in more than 130 countries and takes care of some 90 million people. This book looks at how it is deployed and who its agents are. By taking the reader through the offices in charge of the Afghan ...
(2023)Latin America and the Caribbean are increasingly experiencing the effects of climate change. Over the past two decades, the countries in the region have experienced as many as 1 350 natural disasters attributable to the ...
(2024)Discover key insights from the Investment barriers report 2023, an authoritative assessment by the European Investment Bank Group on investment hurdles in the European Union. The report underscores the pivotal role of ...
(2024)From the Twin Towers to the insurrections in Iraq and Afghanistan, from the proxy wars in the Levant and the Persian Gulf to Wagner's role in North Africa and the Sahel, from the challenges in cyberspace to the new race ...
(2024)The small book explains the media theoretical and historical-theological foundations of spiritual intermediality and spirtual emblematica in the Early Modern Period.
(2024)Im Heiligtum von Olympia befand sich das wohl berühmteste Götterbild der Antike, die von Phidias gefertigte goldelfenbeinerne Kolossalstatue des Zeus. Dieses Werk soll, wie eine byzantinische Quelle behauptet, in der ...
(2024)Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz’ Denken speist sich aus einer breiten Kenntnis früherer Philosophen – aber hat es die Philosophiegeschichte selbst zum Thema? Hannes Amberger bejaht diese Frage: Leibniz’ Verständnis der ...