Picta Nilotica Romana
L’elaborazione e la diffusione del paesaggio nilotico nella pittura romana
Voltan, Eleonora
Knowledge Unlatched (KU)Language
Picta Nilotica Romana presents an in-depth analysis of Roman paintings with a Nilotic theme. The first part of the study introduces the classical texts on Egypt and provides an overview of landscape depiction in Roman art. After an outline of methodology, an iconographic-archaeological catalogue of the 74 paintings is developed, founded on specific scientific criteria, with a classification into three categories according to iconographic composition. The corpus is followed by an analysis of the archaeological contexts in which these paintings are found, an analysis of Nilotic iconographies and a definition of the 'Nilotic landscape'. The volume is also completed by an iconographic apparatus and several maps showing geographical and chronological spread.
Social Science; ArchaeologyISBN
9781803276380, 9781803276397Publisher
Archaeopress PublishingPublisher website
https://www.archaeopress.com/Publication date and place
Archaeopress Publishing LtdClassification