Now showing items 401-420 of 468

    • Wernscheid, Verena (2012)
      Tissue engineering, the creation of human tissue in the laboratory by the use and propagation of human cells to develop commercial products, faces many problems concerning its legal regulation. There have been numerous ...
    • Schumann, Eva (2006)
      Contrary to the common constriction of the euthanasia-discussion on “self-determination at the end of life" Eva Schumann claims rethinking in dealing with seriously ill and dying people. To meet their needs in her view a ...
    • Höffler, Katrin; Jesse, Christiane; Bliesener, Thomas (2019)
      The feeling of grief and other emotions victims of a crime may face are not limited to certain stages in the criminal proceeding and do not necessarily end with conviction and imprisonment of the offender. Disregarding the ...
    • Ozil, Seyda; Hofmann, Michael; Laut, Jens-Peter; Dayıoğlu-Yücel, Yasemin; Uca, Didem (2019)
      The contributions to this volume approach the subject of translation from a multitude of perspectives. They thus show how translations are not only closely connected with notions of language, literature, and cultural studies ...
    • Czerska-Shaw, Karolina; Galent, Marcin; Gierat-Bieroń, Bożena (2018)
      Visions and Revisions of Europe offers a multidisciplinary debate on the various political, social, and cultural issues that are at the heart of contemporary European discourse, with a focus on the relations between the ...
    • Jaroszewska, Justyna, (2018)
      Lange Zeit stellten die entkoppelten Direktzahlungen ein wichtiges Instrument zur Förderung der Landwirtschaft sowohl in den USA als auch in der EU dar. Ihre Abschaffung in den USA durch die Agrarreform von 2014 markierte ...
    • Yang, Zhizi, (2018)
      This work deals with intertextual theories and investigates narrative texts (by Wieland, Novalis, Chamisso, Storm, Andersen and Thomas Mann) from the Enlightenment of the 18th century to Classical Modernism of the early ...
    • Hild, Anne, (2018)
      Wer sind die Helden und Denker in Pädagogik und Erziehungswissenschaft, wer ihre Heldinnen und Denkerinnen? Welche Personen werden in den Nachschlagewerken der Disziplin – in ihren Wissensspeichern – mit eigenem Lemma ...
    • Wöhlke, Sabine; Palm, Anna (2018)
      Increasing mechanization is profoundly changing our social areas of life as well as cultural orders and knowledge systems. Concepts of health and illness are also permeated by such technology. A variety of communication ...
    • Pittelkow, Jörg (2018)
      This book examines the contribution of the German biologist Herbert Bach (1926 – 1996) to physical anthropology and human genetics in Eastern Germany. It highlights his scientific achievements and publications, his work ...
    • Ozil, Seyda; Hofmann, Michael; Laut, Jens-Peter; Dayioglu-Yücel, Yasemin; Zierau, Cornelia; Uca, Didem (2018)
      The articles in this volume bear witness to the productive energy of the interplay between tradition and modernity, whether in theater, literature, or popular culture. At the same time, they emphasize the importance of ...
    • Watts, Elizabeth (2018)
      Creationism is based on a fundamental belief in the inerrancy of the bible and negatively affects science education because creationist proponents insist on the inclusion of supernatural explanations for the appearance of ...
    • Porges, Karl (2018)
      The scientific and public discussions over the last 200 years were shaped by findings from the field of evolutionary biology. Back in 1877, when Ernst Haeckel asked for the inclusion of evolutionary biology into class, he ...
    • Storbeck, Daniel, (2016)
      Municipal and regional cross-border cooperation has already been common practice for a long time. This is shown by numerous existing Euroregions along the German border. The particular feature of this kind of cooperation ...
    • Gebbe, Hans-Christian, (2017)
      Daily devotionals exploring spiritual themes in Harry Potter, youth pastors giving sermons wearing Jedi robes, missionary groups using Bilbo's journey to share the Gospel of Christ: There is apparently a high level of ...
    • Casper-Hehne, Hiltraud; Koreik, Uwe; Middeke, Annegret (2006)
      The Bologna Process, whose objective is the creation of an „European Higher Education Area“, should be concluded in 2010. In the last years the reactions ranged from total rejection over a more temporising attitude to clear ...
    • Schaller, Berndt, (2017)
      Der vorliegende Band schildert das Leben und Wirken des am 7. September 1862 im niederschlesischen Frankenstein geborenen Rabbiners Benno Jacob in Göttingen. Nach dem Studium in Breslau am „Jüdisch Theologischen Seminar ...
    • Duttge, Gunnar; Viebahn, Christoph (2017)
      Whilst the treatment of mortal remains was largely predetermined in previous generations as an essential part of their respective cultures, the significance of the commandment to respect "dignity" and "piety" has nowadays ...
    • Holland, Dario, (2017)
      In addition to the risk of treatment failure, the liability for elucidation errors forms the second pillar of medical care. An elucidation error occurs when the physician has not given the patient the necessary self-determination ...