Der gestirnte Himmel über uns
Theologie, Naturwissenschaft und Ethik
Losch, Andreas
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)Language
Humankind is conquering the starry sky. But what does that mean? What can theology contribute to space research or to the question of extraterrestrial life in general? Quite a lot - is the perhaps surprising answer, also in ethical terms. In his cumulative habilitation thesis, Andreas Losch describes the interactions between theology and natural science, between natural science and faith. He has a particular focus on the growing field of research in astrobiology, which combines astrophysics and biology. The various essays, for example on ‘planetary sustainability’, which includes the space environment, quickly make it clear that this book and the starry sky above us are highly topical - and that astrobiology has more to do with theology than one might expect.
Himmel; Theologie; Naturwissenschaft; Ethik; Astrobiologie; WeltraumDOI
9783290185169, 9783290185169Publisher
TVZ Theologischer Verlag ZürichPublication date and place
Zürich, 2022Classification
Philosophy and Religion
Space science