Didaktik des Digitalen in Kunst und Bildung
Handlungsräume für die Kunstvermittlung mit digitalen Medien am Beispiel von didae.eu
This booklet takes the online platform didae.eu as a starting point to categorize the use of digital media in teaching, art, and creative practice thematically and discursively. In doing so, it describes action areas for teaching design with digital tools. DIDAE is an acronym for Digital Didactics in Art Education, based on the ERASMUS+ research project (2021-2023). It was led by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and, in collaboration with the Bern University of the Arts, the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest, the University of Cologne, and the Willem de Kooning Academy Rotterdam, was dedicated to questions about current and future digital didactic practice after the caesura caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Art education, Digitality, Digital justice, Feminism, Care, Digital toolsDOI
9783946320500, 9783946320517Publisher
fabrico VerlagPublisher website
https://www.fabrico-verlag.de/Publication date and place
Hannover, 2024Series
Per Eduart. Kunstpädagogische Materialien für Studium und Schule, 6Classification
Educational: Media studies