Paul within Judaism
Perspectives on Paul and Jewish Identity
Bird, Michael (editor)
Bühner, Ruben A. (editor)
Knowledge Unlatched (KU); Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF)Language
This conference volume features cutting edge research from an international cohort of scholars on the still-controversial debates regarding Paul's relationship with Judaism. Taken together, the contributions represent a sympathetic but critical assessment of the Paul within Judaism approach to Pauline interpretation. They take up many of the key questions germane to the debate, including different perspectives on Jewish identity, ethnicity, Torah-observance, halakha, the relationship between Jewish and non-Jewish followers of Christ, and the contested character of Jewish identity in antiquity. By combining a broad swath of both German- and English-language scholarship, the volume attempts to bring different perspectives into conversation with each other.
Biblical Studies; Religion; Biblical Studies; New TestamentDOI
10.1628/978-3-16-162440 -7ISBN
9783161623257, 9783161623257Publisher
Mohr SiebeckPublisher website date and place
Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KGClassification
Religion & beliefs
Criticism & exegesis of sacred texts
Criticism & exegesis of sacred texts