Harvested from Göttingen: Recent submissions
Now showing items 441-460 of 468
(2010)Seit den 1990er Jahren werden Fragen nach dem Verhältnis zwischen Veränderungen in der naturalen Umwelt und deren literarischen Repräsentationen im Bereich der Literaturwissenschaft unter dem Begriff Ecocriticism subsumiert ...
(2014)„Verbunden werden auch die Schwachen mächtig.“ Dieses Zitat aus Schillers „Wilhelm Tell“ beschreibt die historische Kernidee des Tarifsystems. Der seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre zu verzeichnende Rückgang der Tarifbindung, der ...
(2008)The magic way of thinking and acting belongs to the conspicuous characteristics of the old oriental culture. Threats to mankind, especially diseases, are induced by demons. But these diseases can be avert with the help of ...
(2014)In der Tätigkeit jedes forschenden Arztes treffen der Schutz des einzelnen Patienten und das Interesse des Arztes aufeinander, Erkenntnisse aus der Behandlung für künftige Patienten zu gewinnen. Es besteht ein Spannungsverhältnis ...
(2012)The contributions of this book are the results of a conference of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in March 2011. The underlying consideration was simple: In language teaching and cultural studies, media are ...
(2013)“She was given her own plate, her own cup, everything of her own, even when she just touched a cloth then nobody wanted to touch it again.” (Halima, HIV-seropositive) The book sheds light on the profound influence of an ...
(2008)The kings of the III. Dynasty of Ur (2112-2004 BC) were always married with several women at a time, of which only one woman took the position of a queen. Among the large number of economic documents of that period, which ...
(2013)„Einem ausführlichen Abriss zur Geschichte der bulgarischen Literatur aus dem beginnenden 20. Jh. folgen originelle Autorenporträts, kulturanthropologische Studien und tiefgreifende Analysen von Texten aus der jüngsten ...
(2011)Markenrechtsverletzungen beeinträchtigen die mit Markenrechten einhergehenden sozioökonomischen Vorteile für Produzenten, Händler, Verbraucher und die Allgemeinheit. Die vorliegende Untersuchung setzt sich mit Fragen der ...
(2012)Das Zeitalter der immer weiter fortschreitenden Digitalisierung und die stetige Verbesserung der technischen Rahmenbedingungen bieten Forschungseinrichtung neue Mittel und Wege, ihre gewonnenen Daten zu archivieren und ...
(2012)Die Arbeit befasst sich mit dem bislang sehr wenig untersuchten System von Subsidiaritätsklauseln in strafprozessualen Eingriffsermächtigungen. Sie schildert die sukzessive Entstehung des Systems, nimmt eine aktuelle ...
(2008)The investigation deals with the accident flight Paragraph § 142 of the German StGB (criminal code). It examines the questions of "if" and the "how" of reform, this means the practical embodiment in detail.
(2011)This volume deals with the future of European criminal law under the Lisbon Treaty. The contributions assess the risks and prospects of the progressing European integration with a special focus on the enlarged competences ...
(2011)The information and risk society poses a new challenge for the law in all its fragments. Modern media communication and technologies increase people’s prosperity while stating new risks with not uncommonly devastating ...
(2010)Organ transplantation is a thrilling new option for modern surgery giving hope for chronically ill patients, and, at the same time, stirring controversial ethical questions on human identity and the meaning of the human ...
(2011)Thurstone's principle of simple structure is rejected and replaced by its converse, the principle of complex structure. Varimax, the popular simple structure rotation of factors, is replaced by varimin, a novel procedure ...
(2010)Reading transliterated akkadian texts sometimes is rather difficult, if the akkadian equivalents of the logograms are not given. This first alphabetic index of akkadian logograms offers help now: it contains the akkadian ...
(2010)Digital technology is increasingly impacting how we keep informed, how we communicate professionally and privately, and how we initiate and maintain relationships with others. The function and meaning of new forms of ...
(2006)Even earlier than other sectors of society, science was confronted with the Internet as a new communication medium. Yet it has lasted several years until the Internet has gained reputation as a publication medium for ...
(2005)Central historical, biographical and school-related aspects of formation and education are brought together in this work to point to the diversity of educational sciences. Tradition and innovation are recurrent themes in ...